Doctor Divinitatis
Doctor of Divinity

The title of Doctor of Divinity is a title officially given Honoris Causa by the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose Cross to an initiated student who has fulfilled the required conditions.
It should be noted that the official and legal status of the Order in the United States allows the formalization of the awarding of this title, which is not the case for many organizations claiming it.
Consequently, the criteria for receiving this title demonstrate its seriousness.
The student receives the official certificate and can associate this title with his CV in the spiritual life as in the profane life by adding "Doctor in Divinity" (Abbreviated DD or DDiv) to his business card.
To be able to apply and receive this title, the conditions are as follows:
- Have at least reached the end of the second degree of the main course
- Have completed the master's degree in Kabbalah
- Have completed the 5 steps of the Archconfraternity of Ieschouah
- Have passed the final exam Doctor of Divinity