Initiatory Path

About the Initiatory Path
In an authentic organization, initiation rites hold a central place. Their spiritual and theurgic power is based on several essential factors. They must be known only to initiates and be practiced by Officers who have been trained to work on the visible and invisible planes.
It is for this reason that it is important to obtain a result on your personal and interior evolution, and to ask for your initiation in a Chapter of the Order. In particular situations, such as an impossibility of displacement of the initiation, ceremonies can make it possible to cross the degrees by an occult work live on Internet. However, this remote ceremony does not replace the direct initiation and the latter is scheduled as soon as possible.
The initiation received directly by duly trained Officers of the Order is a theurgic process capable of bringing you real help for the transformation of your being and your life! You can't do it all yourself! Initiation is a powerful and respectable theurgic process that will allow you to go further faster.
The initiatory process is the first stage of the Great Work of your realization. This work is not just symbolic. It is operative and will open the doors to progression in the initiatory degrees. It is absolutely not dangerous, insofar as you will find yourself protected by the powerful egregore of the Kabbalistic Tradition of the Rose-Croix. Although it is obvious, we must say that the initiations are in no way pacts with the devil or any evil power, nor do they involve any sacrifice.
When you have received this initiation, you will be able to participate in the different group practices associated with the degree in which you find yourself.
Presentation: This preliminary degree constitutes the moral and spiritual foundation of the Order. It is the prerequisite.
In the 17th century, a Frenchman named Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin was introduced to the occult rites of Christian esotericism by his master Martinès de Pasqually. A few years after the death of the latter, Saint-Martin, also known as the "Unknown Philosopher," moved away from his master’s doctrine to create a “small school in Paris,” whose aim was to practice a pure spirituality. He incorporated doctrines of Martinès that had been received orally into his own, and created a unique degree called “Unknown Superior” (in French “Supérieur Inconnu”). Saint Martin chose to introduce a teaching that focused essentially on ethics and mysticism. The goal was to receive the key which would open the inner door of the soul, allowing people to communicate with the spheres of the Spirit. The only requirements were a manifestation of true desire, a commitment of the soul, and an awakening of good will. This was the original “Martinism.”
The Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross has always considered this degree as a moral precondition for the initiatory journey. It is therefore crucial and fundamental, while paradoxically requiring only minimal theoretical training. Spiritually, it constitutes an unavoidable inner step.
Since the beginning of its existence, the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross has used an initiatory ceremony of “Unknown Superior,” thus associating the mystical dimension with a very powerful theurgical ritual dating back to the authentic sources of Martinism.
Duration of the degree: Some weeks to three months.
Practices and rituals of this degree: Preparatory document for initiation (part of the teachings); Martinist Operative Ritual; Martinist’s instructions; Rites of consecration of ritual tools and clothes; Martinist’s practices of the “Unknown Superior.”
Presentation: The initiation of the first degree is rooted in the Hebrew magical (practical) Kabbalah, which is the foundation of the esoteric Judeo-Christian tradition, found partly in 19th century occultist schools. For hundreds of years, few rituals were communicated outside Jewish Kabbalist groups who practiced this form of magic Kabbalah. Among the fundamental texts of this tradition, three have a special place. These are the Zohar, the Sepher Yetzirah and the Sepher Ha-bahir, although the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross is not limited to the theoretical teachings in these books. To cross the veils of the Sacred Mysteries and obtain a real transformation, the initiate must live the initiatory rituals described therein. This is what this initiation ritual of the first degree allows. Remember that the initiations of our Order have never been published, so they have retained their authenticity and power.
This explains why only this type of initiation can accompany the initiate to the heart of the Mysteries.
Reception of the degree: At the end of the first class, during the first weekend of ceremonies, during the Coptic Eastern.
Duration of the degree: Set of 22 meetings with teachings and practices in the international online Chapter or a local Chapter.
Practices related to this degree: As in every degree of the Order, there is a set of spiritual and psychic practices taught orally during the online meetings (or in a local Chapter). Initially, they allow the deepening and the appropriation of certain parts of the ritual of initiation, along with learning the secrets of the degree. In this first degree, the practices are obviously focused on the magical and practical Judeo-Christian Kabbalah.
Presentation: The initiation of the second degree reveals the heart of the esoteric Christian tradition, as it was constituted in France and Italy in the Middle Ages. During the Renaissance, some teachings from the Byzantine tradition were associated with the original corpus. In the works of Dante Alighieri, a 13th-century author, the Western occult tradition was often presented in a poetic way. More specifically, his book “The Divine Comedy” reveals the structure of spiritual worlds and archangelic hierarchies taught since antiquity.
We also know that the troubadours of the Middle Ages and some "Knights of the Temple" preserved a knowledge of the ancient Mysteries associated with the most original Christian esotericism.
According to the process described for the first degree, the second initiation is based on this Medieval heritage to accompany the candidate in this path of initiation described by Dante. Connections with the true Rose-Cross tradition become obvious. This was understood by writers Stanislas de Guaita and Joséphin Péladan.
Reception of the degree: The candidate must have completed the 22 practical meetings of the previous degree, memorized the instructions and finished the second step of the Archconfraternity of Ieschouah.
Duration of the degree: Set of 32 meetings with teachings and practices in the international online Chapter or a local Chapter.
Practices related to this degree: In this second degree, the practices focus on the esoteric Christian tradition, the mysteries of the incarnation and the celestial ascent, the archangelic mysteries and the authentic Rose-Cross, as well as the chivalry of the temple.
Presentation: The initiation of the third degree reveals a very little-known aspect of the esoteric Christian tradition. However, it originated the revelations in the Middle Ages, associated with the Kabbalah in the Renaissance, and gave birth to occultism in nineteenth-century France. Between the first and the fifth centuries, several Christian Gnostic communities flourished in Egypt and various countries of the Middle East. We are not talking about Gnostic recreations of the 19th century, which are copies of the Roman Catholic Church, but of original Gnostic schools. Many of them incorporated magical and religious knowledge from pre-Christian traditions. Their rites and secrets were interesting and powerful, which probably led to the elimination of most of these groups by the exoteric Christian church that we know today. Happily, a number of texts have recently been discovered, but it is extremely difficult to study and understand their ritual functioning. However, this third initiation makes it possible to receive this original knowledge in the most authentic form. The original source of gnosis becomes accessible, revealing the true nature of the tradition that gave birth to the Rose-Cross.
Reception of the degree: The candidate must have completed the 32 practical meetings of the previous degree, memorized the instructions and have completed the fifth step of the Archconfraternity of Ieschouah.
Duration of the degree: Set of 40 meetings with teachings and practices in the international online Chapter or a local Chapter.
Practices related to this degree: In this third degree, the practices focus on some of the original Gnostic traditions, early Christianity and medieval Gnostic traditions such as Catharism. Various occult keys from pre-Christian traditions are also taught.
Presentation: The Patriarchs R+C are brothers and sisters who have received the four degrees of the order, received the initiation of Knight Rose-Cross (head of a Chapter) and reached the second priesthood of the Archconfraternity of Ieschouah.
This consecration transmits priestly authority as it was instituted in the original esoteric Christian tradition.
Reception of the degree: The candidate must have completed the 40 practical meetings of the previous degree, memorized the instructions and completed the second priesthood of the Archconfraternity of Ieschouah.
Practices: The studies and practices take place on three levels. First, the Patriarch works within the occult circle of the Patriarchs Rose-Cross; then, he performs a regular individual work arising from the priesthood consecrations he received.
He is also in close and regular contact with a more experienced initiate who accompanies him in fundamental spiritual exercises.
Parallel to the daily practice of his spiritual duties, he is prepared for the accomplishment of the great theurgical operations of invocation of the beings of light.

Archconfraternity of Ieschouah
As indicated in the history of our Order, the occult lineage of the Illustrious Grand Patriarchs Rose-Croix is made up of mystics and religious who have been in charge of various known churches. This succession ensured a continuous transmission of occult powers and priestly authority attached to the Archconfraternity of Ieschouah.
The latter is totally different from more recent Martinist creations or pseudo-esoteric or pseudo-gnostic churches that do not know the occult keys of Christian Kabbalah.
The Archconfraternity is open to non-members of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix. However, the initiatory progression of the O.K.R.C. described above implies that the sister or brother also practices the asceticism transmitted by the archconfraternity.
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