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Baccalaureate of Kabbalah

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Baccalaureate of Kabbalah


You must have completed all 4 modules to receive your diploma.
1st Module: The Essentials of Kabbalah

2nd Module: Initiatory Cabbalism
3rd Module: Esoteric Tarot
4th Module: Portae Lucis

Portae Lucis

Bachelor's Degree in Kabbalah - Module 5
presented by the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix
written by Jean Dubuis

This Kabbalah module has 11 lessons and many practices. This is a clear summarized presentation of how the Golden Dawn presented Magical Kabbalah. It is useful to know this evolution of the 20th century.

With course you will:
- Discover the basic practices of modern Kabbalah
- Understand the relationship between Hebrew Kabbalah and modern Kabbalah.
- Understand the relationship between the texts of the Bible and the Kabbalah.

Excerpt from the course outline:
- Basic principles, the oratory
- Rituals of the Little Pentagram
- Hebrew hieroglyphs
- Kabbalistic conception of nature and the universe
- The nature of the supreme being and negative existence
- Practical Kabbalah
- Principles of Practical Kabbalah
- Mezla's Energy
- Symbols and Sephiroth
- The hermetic cross
- The Sepher Yetzirah
- Etc.

Free registration on this site is required in order to enroll in this course.

If you are already registered, all you have to do is log in.

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This training is under the supervision of

Jean-Louis de Biasi, 9th Ill. Grand Patriarch R+C

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Students from Africa or wishing to pay in another way

It is possible to pay for this training and other subscriptions from Africa by a very simple method explained on a specific page. Please click here to view this page.

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