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Notre Tradition

Our Tradition

The birth of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross 


Viscount Louis-Charles-Edouard de Lapasse, doctor and esotericist, was the head of the first Rose-Cross in Toulouse (France) around 1850.

This regional tradition was the meeting point between the German mystics and the Mediterranean Hermetists. Thus, it integrated into its esoteric Christian heritage, the hermetic, alchemical, astrological and theurgic sciences.

The French Rose-Cross was independent of Freemasonry. However, many of the initiates were active in various Masonic rites based on hermetic, Kabbalistic and Egyptian symbols.

In 1884, the Marquis Stanislas de Guaita came into contact with the Péladan brothers, who were linked to the Rose-Cross tradition of which we speak. Firmin Boissin was then the Grand Master. He gave Stanislas de Guaita the authority of the hermetic Rose-Cross, the traditional teachings and a specific mission. He was asked to bring together in an Order, the authentic Rose-Cross initiation composed of a serious theoretical training, focusing on traditional sciences associated with powerful rituals. In the following years, the only part that remained visible was the teachings.

In 1888, respectful of his commitments, Stanislas de Guaita, then 27 years old, founded the "Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross" (K.O.R.C.). 

The choice of this date was not random. The original German fraternity of the Gold Rose + Cross followed a cycle of 111 years and its system of degrees was reorganized in 1777. Therefore, 111 years later, Stanislas de Guaita revealed the Order according to instructions he had received.

Among the most famous members of the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross of this period, we can mention: Papus, Paul Adam, Jollivet-Castelot, Marc Haven (Dr. Lalande), Paul Sedir (Yvon Le Loup), Pierre Augustin Chaboseau, Erik Satie, Emma Calve, Camille Flammarion and many others.


Development of the Order

It is strange that we know very little about the inner Order. As most of its rituals have remained unknown, some historians have sometimes doubted the nature of its initiatic structure. But how could it have been so, when we know the personalities who presided over its awakening?

Everyone agrees that the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross was the secret inspirer of the most famous Western occult and initiatory traditions.

The Order has been a paradox in the purest esoteric tradition of the West: a cultural and spiritual visibility of the Order with secret initiatory rituals.

It was in this spirit that the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross was conceived and continued to be perpetuated both externally and internally. In an occult way, its tradition was maintained by the Invisible College formed of the six brothers of the Order and the Patriarch leading this group.

From  the Inner Order’spoint of view, the unbroken succession was always maintained with the same respect of the original Rose-Cross Order and in the same area, which had always been the source of the Rose-Cross esotericism: the Southwest of France.

The inner lineage is clear and unambiguous. As the saying goes, we always recognize the tree by its fruits.

Following the traditional cycle of reactivation of the Order, it was in 1999 that the inner Order was able to resume its occult work. In 2006, after an activation period of seven years, the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Cross, again vivified by the esoteric, Hermetist, Rose-Cross and Martinist traditions, was able to resume its activities, performing the initiations and opening new chapters, according to the internal principles of the “Noble Fraternity.”

Present today as before, its legacy has preserved the vigor and richness that have always allowed it to use the tools of the present time, while raising the flame of its tradition.

Chronology of the Rose-Cross

Chronologie Rose-Croix
Chronologie de la tradition Rose-Croix

The Grand Masters, GPR+C

Le Grands Patriarches

To know more, you can click on the links below.

You can also access the sections dedicated to the Grand Patriarchs.

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Vicomte Louis Charles Edouard de Lapasse


Viscount Louis-Charles-Édouard de Lapasse, doctor and esotericist, was the animator of the first Rose-Croix in Toulouse around 1850.

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Firmin Boissin


Firmin Boissin, who was born December 17, 1893, in Vernon (Ardèche), and died July 13, 1893, was a journalist, Catholic writer and French regionalist. He was Grand Master of the Rose-Croix of Toulouse.

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Josephin and Adrien Péladan


The Marquis Stanilas de Guaita came into contact with the Péladan brothers, Adrien and Joséphin, members of the Rose-Croix.

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Marquis Stanislas de Guaita


In 1884, the Marquis Stanislas de Guaita came into contact with the Péladan brothers who were linked to the Rose-Croix tradition we are talking about (Firmin Boissin was then the Grand Master.)

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Marquis Stanislas de Guaita


Stanislas de Guaita, then 27 years old, founded the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix (OKRC). He became the first Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master.

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François Charles Barlet (Albert Faucheux)


2nd Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master of l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.

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3rd Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master of l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.

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Charles Detre (Teder)


4th Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master of l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.

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Jean Bricaud


5th Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master of l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.

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L-M F. Giraud


6th Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master of l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.

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Jean Brouillet


7th Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master of l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.

Patrick T.


8th Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master of l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.

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Julian T.


9th Illustrious Grand Patriarch Rose-Croix, Grand Master of l'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix.

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